Booking procedure:
To secure the date & confirm you’re booking:
- Please complete the form below
- Please pay your requested booking to secure your booking. Please pay your booking fee via the link on our home page by debit or credit card. Your booking fee amount is £200.00.
- Full payment is required by bank transfer at least 30 days before your function or sooner if you wish. Bank details can be found on your invoice.
Payment information:
Please note full payment is required at least 30 days before your function or sooner.
Payment options:
- The deposit is due to secure your booking and can be made by:
- Debit or credit card: Please follow the ‘Pay Now’ link on our website home page
Full settlement
- Full settlement can be made by either:
- In cash 30 days in advance of your event date.
- By Bank transfer: Our bank details can be found on your invoice (please contact us if you need a copy)
Rider: (we will need you to supply please):
- STAGE: Level clean and dry stage area required:
- Minimum size for full show: 6m wide x 2.5m deep
- Minimum size for DJ and DJ Booth: 2m wide x 2 deep
- POWER: We will require power from 2 x 13 amp sockets, ideally from 2 sources (unless otherwise stated in your proposal) If you are using a generator please supply 1 clean 32 feed and 8 13 amp sockets.
- REFRESHMENTS: Please ensure light refreshments are supplied for our crew and entertainers (coffee/soft drink and a light snack i.e. sandwich)
- INFORMATION: Please supply us your music playlist for your DJ (If you have booked this service). Complete our online form or download and return your playlist via email. This must be done at least 30 days prior to your event date. Visit:
Please complete and submit:
Entertainment & AV Contract & Terms
Lets secure your date and confirm the booking.